Thursday 8 August 2019

Yes. Technical Communicators/ Writers do laugh too!

I’ve met some people who [sincerely] believe Technical Communicators/ Writers are dull practitioners. Here are some humor lines in technical writing/Communication to dispel such thinking. 


1. Que:  What is the [recommended] way for technical communicators to sleep?        
 Ans: In a ‘layout’, well-embedded, between [clean] style sheets. 

2. It is easy to live with technical communicators. They have no ‘hard’ house rules. Just instructions, guide lines, and directions.

3. Que: How would technical communicators serve you food?
Ans: On a tem.plate


1. Que:  What do you do for a living?            
Ans: [Technical Communicator]: It depends on the TOR

2. Technical communicators can become good dancers. The trick is for them to take it
 ‘One step at a time’.

3. Que: What questions do technical communicators naturally answer?
Ans: FAQ

4. Que: What did the technical communicator tell the optician?
 Ans:  Do you know I am the one who writes the specs for your specs?

5. The relationship between the programmer and the technical communicator is basically that: what the programmer codes, the technical communicator decodes.

6. Experienced technical communicators don’t just jump from one job (or project) to another. They always ensure that the transitions flow quite coherently.

7. Que: How may a technical communicator maintain eye contact with a distant collaborator?
Ans: By looking straight at an interface

8. Que: What did the technical communicator tell the surgeon?
Ans: I’ll only accept the surgery if you adhere to the Standard Operating Procedure.

9. Que: What ‘size-fit’ should suit all technical communicators?
Ans. XML

10. Que: How do technical communicators become rich?
Ans: By ensuring proposals, reports and manuals come with NOTES


1. Employer: How I do tell you’ll add value to my organization if I hire you?
Technical communicator: Feel free to carry out a usability study

2. Employer: What experience do you bring?
Technical communicator: Users’ Experience (UX)  


1. To win the heart of a Technical communicator you may need to behave like a smart document. They may want someone who is: (1) factual, (2) reliable, (3) accessible, and (4) interactive 

2.  Que: How do technical communicators maintain good relationship?
Ans.  By ensuring they are always on the same page with those they care about.

3. Que: What would you say has kept you two technical communicators together in marriage for so long?
Happy TC couple: Not sure. Probably the good use of conjunctions!

Thank you. Hope a few made your day!

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